As a young (and may I say adorable) little girl, I learned the very important "Don't put all your eggs in one basket," saying was something I should have taken more notice of.
My grandfather had been in and out of the hospital for a few years, with skin cancer. For some unknown reason, I did not despise people in general (yet) and proceeded to make up decorated eggs for all of the people on his floor that would be stuck in the hospital for Easter with him. My mother begged me not to take my entire Easter basket to the hospital with us. She told me not to take all the candy with. Explained it would still be there when we returned from the hospital. But I wanted to show everyone my haul! The Easter bunny had been good to me.
We made it in and out of the hospital without any incidents. We passed out goodies to all the bed-ridden patients, the ones with no families, the people who I was so sad to think had been forgotten by their families. I left the hospital that day on a high. I had done a good deed, I had a buttload (yes, that's a measurement) of candy to spend the rest of my day getting a sugar high from, and I had a new book to read. We were almost to the parking garage when the grass reached up and grabbed me, pulled me down - tearing my tights, spilling my candy all over the grass along the side of the road, and basically taking my day down just a few notches. (read: my day had hit devastating in a quick way.)
My aunt, father, and mother stood above me. They turned their heads, they attempted to cough, anything to try to hide their laughter. But they were clearly laughing. I can recall looking up, brushing off my jelly beans and Easter eggs and tearfully asking if they thought they were okay still. The general concensus was that I was alright, so long as a dog didn't pee there. All of this was said through their laughter, of course. The moral of the story? Don't put all your (Easter) eggs in one basket. You never know what life is going to bring your way.
And if you're going to put all your eggs in one basket? Make sure your have pretty awesome parents, like mine, who will buy you some more jelly beans when you've brushed yourself off, after a hard tumble.
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