Some of the best advice my parents ever gave me was simply to make my own path in life.
Don't follow in anyone else's footsteps, they would say.
Do what makes you happy. Do what you think fits you best. Break the mold!
They have eaten their words on numerous occasions. I bet if they could take back the
"Follow your own path" advice? They would.
When I went away to college my father insisted that I study computer programming. It was going to be a great career, I could utilize my brain, forge a path that many females hadn't, and still punch a clock while raking in the dough. No, really, he was sure I would be swimming in money. There were (idle) threats of "You have to or we won't help you!" (yeah right, I never believed that for an instant.) There were pleas of "Come on! You have such a big brain! Use it..." I relented and decided to make that my major. Three weeks into school I also thought adding a Latin and Philosophy major was
awesome. I remember the call home to tell my father.
"What the
hell are you going to do with a Latin degree? You do know there
aren't Romans running around looking for translators, right?"
We then switched right into Philosophy and how ridiculous it was. "They aren't hiring people to sit atop mountains and hand out advice anymore." Too bad Craiglist wasn't around I could have told him that there were some postings on Craiglist for just such a job. And I probably wouldn't be lying. Have you seen some of that wacky stuff?
Finally we moved into the last phase of his argument. "What is a computer science and programming major going to do with Latin and Philosophy? They have nothing in common!" I merely reminded him that they told me to
forge my own way, make my own path, follow my own ideas, color outside the lines. He shut up. But I'm pretty sure that was because he was trying to price out flux capacitors so he could fire up the Delorean and head back to 1981 and strike the phrase "Follow your own path" from his and my mother's mouths.
Three years later, with one year left to finish said degree I can only imagine the brain damage he incurred when I informed them I decided to give up on computer programming and study Public Relations, Advertising, and Marketing. To this day my father reminds me that I could work less hours and make more money if I'd just go back and finish that last year or so of my computer programming degree. It made me miserable, I detested the idea of it and as the end of my studies got closer I just realized I couldn't do it as a living. It was painful.
But, as I reminded him, I was just making my own path in life! I didn't hear another word about it for a few weeks. But I'm fairly sure that's because he was screaming in an octave that only dogs could hear.
Most recently, I was reminded of this great advice while driving in downtown Chicago. If any of you have done so you know that it isn't always the most stress-free thing to do. I wanted to get gas before we left. My mother and best friend said "Oh no, you are fine." As we were approaching Lake Shore Drive area, we got the Low Fuel warning. We certainly weren't going to make it home, too. I decided to veer off at the gas station closest. I was impressed that I got over two lanes and pulled right up to the most outside pump. I pulled up, rolled down my window and said "Why does this look weird?" My mother yelled
"Because you are on the sidewalk!"
Oops? How many of you have seen gas pumps with only one side operational? I just figured that both sides were gas pumps. Apparently, however, people frown upon you driving on the sidewalk. As we were pulling off the sidwalk I could hear my best friend gasping for air and my mother yelling (between laughs) "Don't hit anyone!" As I pulled up and around and to an actual pump, they were both almost in tears. The ride home was a constant barrage of "Whatever, you drive on sidewalks," every time I attempted to speak. My best friend took pictures, as I was pumping gas. Apparently to humiliate me. I have no shame, however. Because as we pulled into the driveway and my mom got out (proclaiming her freedom and astonishment on arriving safely because I drive on sidewalks) I just smiled and said
"Hey, you told me to make my own path."
Best. Advice. Ever.
Thanks Mom and Dad!